The lift range is pretty standard at 12 to 17.25 inches. These jack stands have a 3-ton or 6,000-pound capacity, so they’re ideal for most applications. Like most others on the market, this is a straightforward ratcheting style jack stand that utilizes a simple lifting mechanism.

These stands also have an issue with being crooked when you extend them to their full height. Carefully inspect yours to ensure the welds are solid before you use them. Unfortunately, the welding quality is inconsistent. The wide saddle gives you the greatest versatility and stability during use. They’re forged from steel and have welded frames. This gives you the most strength and stability. What makes these jack stands excel is their wide pyramid base. You can adjust the height from 15 3/8 to 23 13/16 inches. They also come in a range of weight capacities, so you can buy the right pair for the size of your vehicle. They come in a bright red color with black lifting bars and saddles.
Used by amateur and professional racing teams, as well as mechanics, garages and experienced home tuners all of our car ramps, axle, engine and chassis stands, trolley and bottle jacks and our engine cranes are made from the strongest materials to give you the freedom to raise the car, remove crucial components and get down to work safe in the knowledge that the car - or parts - are reliably supported.This pair of jack stands have a 6-ton, or 12,000-pound, weight capacity. Giving you the support and stability required to move and hold vital car parts, each of our professional standard car jacks, ramps and stands will help to take the strain out of your repairs and upgrades. Our range of car jacks, stands and service ramps are, therefore, your perfect partners. With that in mind it's vitally important that you take every precaution possible to secure the car before you get down to work. Regardless of whether you're a home tuner or a professional race team mechanic, gaining access to the inner workings of a car isn't always as simple as it could be - or as safe. Working on a car is never easy, no matter how much experience you have.